Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trip to the outback - outback Nevada that is

Highway 50 across the State of Nevada is dubbed 'The Loneliest Highway in America" and you are about to accompany me on a trip down that road. Check out the sign below and the map.
Nevada is a State of many faces..... you are about to see some of those faces. Far from being Las Vegas the outback houses many wonders of nature and history.
Last Friday, 18 Sept 09, we left Carson City about 12 pm headed east. Carson City sits in a valley ... lots of water, grass, trees and a golf course. As soon as you climb out over the hill to the east things change a bit..... but there are still small trees.
Once you get to Dayton, NV there is a river running near the highway which furnishes water for ranches, fields and bigger trees. They even have barns along there... notice I shot one for all you barn lovers.
The next shot of a puddle is Lahonton Reservoir .... it looked like it was over 50% down from the top.
Less than an hour of desert driving we are at another oasis....... Fallon Nevada. ..... crops, grass, hay, cattle, cheaper living and a Naval Air Station... check it out on wikipedia.... and a few quick shots for you below.
Now we get to some serious back country road where you see different kinds of mountains and rocks .... petroglyths and old mines.... ghost towns and almost ghost towns ... Austin, NV coming up. there she sits part way up that mountain over there.
Did you see that bright yellow over there along the road ? .... rabbit grass .... there was also some red grass .... the desert does have soome color .
East of Austin about 70 miles is Eureka ... that's the destination. Between Austin and Eureka is some wide open spaces ... some very dry and some of it actually gets some water from somewhere.... notiice the green of the sage and the other growthh in some of those scenes ... notice the heavey traffic too. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the photographs. I don't think most people would believe the ride on HWY 50. I hope all is well. If you're still up for it, we should look for a spot to do the photos.

